Friday, December 2, 2011

Copernicus Center scholarschips for PhD and postdoctoral researchers

Copernicus Center for Intedisciplinary Studies in Cracow, Poland was created by Jagiellonian University and Pontifical University of John Paul II. It an educational and research organization. Within the grant 'The Limits of Scientific Explanation' received from The John Templeton Foundation, Copernicus Center would like to announce a scholarship contest for PhD and postdoctoral researchers in the following research areas:

(1) Mind and Normativity (PhD, post-doc)
(2) Philosophy and Theology (PhD, post-doc)
(3) Physics and Cosmology (PhD, post-doc)

We invite participants from all over the world from the following disicplines: philosophy, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, anthropology, theology, religious studies, culture studies, cosmology, and physics.
Application Deadline : 31 January 2012

Higher Education Reduces Corruption