The EUROPUBHEALTH Erasmus Mundus Masters course provides a high level education in the field of public health.
Its main goal is to enable the students to improve health of specific population groups and the population as a whole through :
Its main goal is to enable the students to improve health of specific population groups and the population as a whole through :
- the designing, planning, implementation, advising and assessment of health prevention and promotion programmes.
- the management of health and social services and establishments.
It is designed to provide students with methods, analytical tools and conceptual knowledge required to understand public health issues.
It is based on the acquisition of academic knowledge and basic savoir-faire related to public health as well as all the necessary skills for the various functions that the students, as future public health professionals, will embrace at the local level, regional, national, European or international, in the public or the private sectors.
EUROPUBHEALTH : a two year masters course
EUROPUBHEALTH is a two year Erasmus Mundus Masters Course (120 ECTS)
- In first year, the curriculum covers the basic issues of public health. It is offered in Spain or United Kingdom.
- In second year, the student specialises in a particular subject.
Europubhealth offers 7 specialisations based on the fields of excellence of the six member universities of the consortium.
During this specialisation year, students carry out research work (dissertation) and a practical placement.
Each student selects one specialisation and attends the courses in a country that must be different from year 1 (Denmark, Poland, Spain or France).
At the end of each academic year of the Master, two integration modules bring together all Europubhealth students for international and cross disciplinary work at the end of each academic year.
At the end of each academic year of the Master, two integration modules bring together all Europubhealth students for international and cross disciplinary work at the end of each academic year.
- Integration module 1: "Global Dimensions of Public Health" (3 weeks in EHESP Rennes - France).
- Integration module 2 : "Interspecialisation - Public Health Project Management" (3 weeks in EHESP Rennes - France).
Depending on the university background, the specialisation chosen and the language skills of the students, they follow one training pathway among the 13 different following possibilities
Erasmus Mundus grants
Europubhealth Masters course is supported by the Erasmus Mundus programme launched by the European Commission in early 2004.
ERASMUS MUNDUS offers scholarship to students for studying abroad.
ERASMUS MUNDUS offers scholarship to students for studying abroad.
To be eligible for the grant, the students must choose a combination of pathway that allows them to spend their study period in, at least, two of the European partner countries which must be different from the country in which the scholarship holder has obtained his/her last university degree.
The exact number of ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarships offered for the intake 2011-2013 were:
- Category A scholarship: 8
- Category A scholarship "window western Balkans and Turkey" *: 1
- Category B scholarship: 6
* " The western Balkans and Turkey window" includes students from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yougoslavian Republic of Macedonia, l'ancienne République Yougoslave de Macédonie, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under the UNSC resolution 1244/99, and coming from the candidate country of Turkey.
The application procedure for the ERASMUS MUNDUS grant is done during the application procedure for the Europubhealth Master course through the web link:
Application Deadline : 10 December 2011