Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2012 PhD in Molecular Medicine at University of Salzburg, Austria Read more: 2012 PhD in Molecular Medicine at University of Salzburg, Austria : 2012 2013 College Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Postdoctoral, Graduate International Scholarships Fellowships

-The entry requirement is a degree in human medicine or dentistry.
-The number of students admitted once a year only is limited to 10. Prerequisites for admission to the PhD program in Molecular Medicine are as follows: above-average performance during the undergraduate degree, a passion and aptitude for scientific research studies, motivation, competence and enthusiasm are expected.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: This PhD program is an interdisciplinary postgraduate degree in project-oriented molecular medicine. There is a focus on independent scientific work. Graduates receive an advanced professional qualification in teaching and research. Similar degree programs are offered by almost all prominent medical schools in the USA and are also offered as EU conform postgraduate degrees throughout Europe. Target group: Well-educated physicians who take an interest in natural sciences and have dealt with related issues during the course of their studies.
How to Apply: Email
Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 June 2012

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