Saturday, October 5, 2013

Finland : the Doctoral Programme in Computer Science (DoCS)

The University of Helsinki is one of the best multidisciplinary research universities in the world. The high-quality research carried out by the university creates new knowledge for educating diverse specialists in various fields, and for utilisation in social decision-making and the business sector. The University of Helsinki is an international academic community of 40,000 students and staff members. It operates on four campuses in Helsinki and at 17 other locations.
The University will introduce a doctoral education system consisting of four doctoral schools and 32 doctoral programmes at the beginning of 2014. The goal of the reform is to improve the quality and efficiency of the doctoral education.
The University of Helsinki invites applications for DOCTORAL STUDENT POSITIONS in the Doctoral Programme in Computer Science (DoCS) for a 1–4 year period starting from 1.1.2014.
The general theme of the DoCS doctoral programme is computer science. The focal areas are the same as those of the Department of Computer Science: data analysis (“Alko”), data networks and services (“Nodes”), and software research (“Softsys”). These also correspond to the three specialization areas or sub-programmes of the Department. At the university level, the programme directly supports the strategic focus area “Exact Thinking” (Precise Reasoning). The DoCS programme actively collaborates with Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, EIT ICT Labs, and computer science related department at the Aalto University.
The duties of a doctoral student are to work on his or her own doctoral thesis and to complete his or her postgraduate studies. The duties also include teaching and other tasks.
A doctoral student must hold a second-cycle degree and have an approved research proposal. Other requirements include the ability and motivation, as demonstrated in previous degree studies or otherwise, to pursue postgraduate studies and a doctoral degree according to the study plan and research proposal. The appointee must hold the right to pursue a doctoral degree at the University of Helsinki by the start of the appointment.
Good command of English is a necessary prerequisite for this position.
The University of Helsinki offers a salary dependent on qualifications and work experience. The salary will be based on levels 2–4 of the job requirement scheme for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee shall be paid a salary component based on personal work performance. The salary will be EUR 2022–2970 per month, depending on the appointee’s qualifications and work experience. The appointment starts with a probationary period of four months.
The application material consists of (1) an electronic form to be filled in at, (2) a PhD studies portfolio in one pdf file attached to the form and including
·        a letter of introduction (including the contact information of the applicant),
·        a curriculum vitae,
·        relevant diplomas,
·        transcripts of studies,
·        an English language certificate,
·        a research plan and study plan for the whole period of PhD studies including a financing plan, and
·        a publication list with contribution explanations,
as well as (3) at most three recommendation letters (one from the supervisor and at most two from some other senior researchers).
All materials are to be submitted in English. The deadline for
submitting the abovementioned materials is 28th of October, 2013, at 15.45 pm EET. The application materials will not be returned.
For additional information on the application process, please contact Research Coordinator Pirjo Moen, +358 9 191 51389,
Application Deadline : 31 October 2013

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