Tuesday, February 7, 2012

PhD. Scholarship Position in Radio Identification (RFID) with Ultra-wide Band (UWB)

4 years PhD. Scholarship Position to obtain the PhD at our research facilities located in Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). The research subject is UWB systems and RFID.


Offering of one FPI-MICINN PhD. Scholarship position research at Universitat Rovira i Virgili The NEHPOS (Nanoelectronic and Photonic Systems) research group (http://sauron.etse.urv.es/DEEEA/angles/recerca/nephos/index.html) from the Rovira i Virgili University is seeking candidates to apply for one FPI (Spanish government program for investigators from MICINN) scholarship to obtain the PhD at our research facilities located in Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). Candidates may have a bachelor degree or a master degree to be eligible for the position.

We offer a 4 year Scholarship to develop research work that would allow the candidates to obtain their Ph.D. degree in our doctorate program at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Rovira i Virgili University. The monthly salary will be around 1140 Euro/month. For details about the scholarship see the following link : http://www.micinn.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.dbc68b34d11ccbd5d52ffeb801432ea0/?vgnextoid=e962ae533a2c4310VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD&vgnextchann
Tarragona is a Mediterranean city with a mild climate, 100km South-East of Barcelona. Candidates can contact to Dr. Antonio Lázaro through his email address (antonioramon.lazaro@urv.cat) for more information or details.
Applications must be completed through the internet application entitled there to, without prejudice to those who do not opt for the electronic signature system should print the application generated by the application and send it signed by a valid registration.
The deadline for submission of applications is February 8, 2012 to February 23, 2012 at 15:00.
Required profile: Candidates should have a background on telecommunications, or electronics. Experience on radiofrequency, communications or antennas will also be highly appreciated.
Research subject: the scholarship is associated to a research project about Radio identification (RFID) with Ultra-wide band (UWB) systems: UWBRFID-1: RFID Y SENSORES INALAMBRICOS BASADOS EN UWB Y TECNOLOGIAS AVANZADAS, Ref. TEC2011-28357-C02-01. The PhD work will be to design wireless UWB tags integrating different types of sensors for sensing temperature, gas concentration, humidity or materials using new passive or semipassive UWB technologies between 3-10 GHz frequency range.


Studentship according to the Spanish official standards (FI, FPU, FPI)

Additional Job Details

Pleople interested send an email to: antonioramon.lazaro@urv.cat

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